Taurus Long Foam Roller

Item number TF-ASA448
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  • Massage roller for effective fascia training, more flexibility and quicker recovery
  • Extra-long foam roller with printed exercises for the most important body parts
  • Softer finish for more comfort
  • Length: 60 cm, diameter: 15 cm

Extra-long foam roller with printed instructions

Long fascia rollers like the foam roller of Taurus offer more comfort for fascia training and a bigger range of exercises. Tension can be loosened and adhesions of the connective tissue (the fascia) are treated with exercises on the Taurus Long Foam Roller . The result: quicker regeneration and more flexibility.

Instructions for most important exercises are printed on the massage roller of Taurus - for a correct execution of the exercises and maximum training effect.

The long foam roller of Taurus is a little softer and thus very popular among lighter persons and women.

The foam roller is loadable, durable and absolutely odorless.
Taurus Long Foam Roller  AwardsTaurus Long Foam Roller  AwardsTaurus Long Foam Roller  Awards

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(2 Customer ratings)

0 persons found this review helpful
Dies Fitnessrolle ist der Hammer. Die faszien werden sanft gelockert und das Training macht Sspaß
0 persons found this review helpful
Die Rolle ist klasse und hat für meine Verwendung die richtige Länge. Super finde ich, dass Übungen auf der Rolle dargestellt sind.

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