Darwin Power Cage Set

Item number DF-CAGE-SET
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Fitshop Expert Review
Variety of exercises
  • Cost saving set price: Power Cage, Rests, Dips attachment, Pull-Up bar und Cable System
  • Power Cage – Internal dimensions: 98 cm / Distance between the rest configurations: 8 cm / Lowest height configuration: 27,6 cm
  • Max. allowable weight for the Pull-Ups bar: 120 kg / Max. allowable weight for the rests and Cable System: 100 kg
  • 18 different height configurations for the rests
  • High and Low handle attchment positions for different exercises / Weight plate sizes: 30 mm or 50mm
  • Delivery contents: Darwin Power Cage with Pull-Up Bars, 2 long rests, 4 smaller rests, dips attachment, Cable System, Lat pull-down bar, Rowing bar, Adapter for 50 mm weight plates
  • Dimensions set-up - Darwin Power Cage Set: (L) 145 cm x (W) 109 cm x (H) 219 cm

More than just a Cage: Darwin Power Cage Set

The Darwin Power Cage, even in its basic configuration, offers a solid training solution. It has two long Barbell rests and in total four smaller rests, that can be adjusted to 18 different height configurations. The Cage comes with a Pull-Up bar with five different grips. So that you train effectively in more exercises in a safe environment.

But there are even more possibilities in this set: The Dips attachment. Which just like the Barbell rests can be adjusted to different height configurations. Dips aren't the only exercise to utilise the attachment. For example use them for Leg Raises to train your Stomach or train your Back with horizontal rows.

The Cable System is attched behind the Power Cage. The Cable System has two handle attachment options: one high and one low. A Lat Pulldown Bar and a short Rowbar are included in the set. The Cable System is weight plates based and you can load the Cable System up to 100 kg – which is more than most machines with weight blocks can offer. Both weight plate sizes, 30 mm or 50mm, can be used with the Cable System. An adapter is also included in the set.


For further information on the warranty, please refer to the manufacturer's terms of warranty. The manufacturer's warranty is an extra service and does not affect your statutory rights.

Manufacturer's warranty Full warranty
Home use 24 months

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4.91 of 5 Stars

(11 Customer ratings)

Fitshop Expert Review
Variety of exercises

0 persons found this review helpful
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo
0 persons found this review helpful
Appareil très intéressant. Nombreuses possibilités d'exercices, montage facile et matériel de bonne qualité pour le prix. L'adhérence pourrait être améliorée.
2 persons found this review helpful
Arrivato nei tempi previsti, imballato ottimamente. I vari componenti sono divisi per un più facile assembramento e le istruzione per il montaggio sono dettagliate. Sono comprese anche le chiavi per il montaggio. Si può montare anche da soli. Il rack è stabile anche senza fissaggio a terra. Esteticamente molto bello e ben fatto. I pezzi si uniscono alla perfezione. Estremamente funzionale con la possibilità di variare i fermi e gli attacchi per i Dips. Il sistema di carrucole è fluido ed il cavo molto resistente. Non ho trovato aspetti negativi, con l'ausilio di una panca si possono svolgere molteplici esercizi in tutta sicurezza grazie alle solide sbarre. Il servizio clienti rapido ed esaustivo. Un ottimo acquisto, consigliato.... [Read more]
1 person found this review helpful
Insgesamt ein Produkt mit gutem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Aufbau war schnell realisierbar und der Seilzug läuft auch sehr gut. Meiner Meinung nach könnten die Rohre konstruktiv dicker gewählt werden.
0 persons found this review helpful
Ottimo prodotto per home-gym. Tutto quello Che serve per allenarsi in casa. Consigliato
1 person found this review helpful
Preis-Leistung Top - sehr stabil - unkomplizierter Aufbau so macht Training Spaß!
0 persons found this review helpful
Il prodotto è di ottima fattura molto stabile e facile da montare, le istruzioni di montaggio sono molto chiare. Si può utilizzare anche con il bilanciere da 180 cm e per chi ha problemi di spazio e' molto positivo. Complimenti a Fitshop.
Ideales Gerät für die ganze Familie
2 persons found this review helpful
Der Aufbau ist alleine in ca. 2 Stunden (inkl. Latzug) erledigt. Habe mir noch eine Hantelbank, Langhantelstange, Bodenschutzmatte und diverse Gewichte dazugekauft. Der Cage steht sehr stabil ohne Verankerung am Boden. Nichts wackelt. Der Latzug ist leichtgängig und eine tolle Erweiterung des Cages. Meine Frau und meine Teenager benutzen ihm ebenfalls regelmäßig.
3 persons found this review helpful
Super Preis-Leistungsverhältnis! Sehr stabil und einfach im Aufbau! Klare Kaufempfehlung!!!!
0 persons found this review helpful
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