AIREX Balance Pad XLarge

Item number ARX-125210
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  • Non slip, textured surface
  • Effective stimulation of feet receptors
  • Body-warm and non-irritant material
  • Easy to clean
  • Resistant and durable
  • CE-conform (93/42/EWG)
  • Dimensions: c. (L) 98cm x (W) 41cm x (H) 6cm

Experience a workout of new dimensions - the AIREX Balance Pad XLarge.

The multi functional Airex Balance Pad XLarge offers ideal support in reaching your therapy and training targets. The AIREX Balance Pad XLarge efficiently exercises coordination, condition, power, and balance. The positive effect is caused by destabilizing features of extra-developed materials and its shaping. The physiologically optimal, three-dimensional wobble-effect saves the musculoskeletal system and reinforces the training effect. Thanks to a clever textured surface, you benefit from a stimulation of feet receptors. The blood circulation of feet is actively supported.

The guarantee is valid in terms of the general statutory provisions for the end user.

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Jeg er meget fornøyd med Airex balanse pad XL. Plasserer den på en trenings-matte, så ligger den stabilt og sklir ikke. Jeg har tatt den i bruk etter en komplett seneruptur/operasjon på lår/kne, og øvelsene på balanse paden hjelper utrolig godt å styrke musklene igjen.

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